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Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I realize it has been a while since I blogged last and I feel bad, but I just can't get myself motivated to do much lately.  I am not depressed...I am actually fairly happy!  I just can't seem to get myself into a groove lately.  I don't know what it is.  One evening while considering it I kept thinking everything was about to change so why get into a groove now.  I am hoping this means a positive change is in store in the near future. 

I just came back to work from a long weekend and didn't accomplish half of what I wanted to in terms of cleaning the house.  Instead, I rested and spent time with the kids.  I would probably be better off cleaning when everyone is at work anyway.  When the hubby is home I cannot seem to get much done with him following behind me messing everything back up.

Maybe my sinuses are messed up...maybe I am still on vacation mode....maybe I have lost some interest in blogging knowing very few read what I say (which is mostly my fault as I made it private).  Who knows.

What I do know is I would like to be with my kids right now instead of staring at a computer screen.  I barely touched the computer all weekend and I was so happy and relaxed.  But when I am stuck at work with no option but work on a computer the blah feeling comes back.

Maybe I should just move my family to a farm and live there, away from technology.  I had a dream about that a few weeks ago and it was pretty cool.  While realistically know I wouldn't do that, it sure makes for an interesting theory.  Considering I kill any plant I touch, a short lived theory, but hey, it could be fun!


  1. Brad and I joke all the time about buying a farm and moving away. I think he would actually do it if I agreed. I don't think I could do it, I love being able to jump in the car and driving just a half mile to my nearest grocery store, Walmart, etc. Keep blogging, I still read it!! :)

  2. Hey! I read your blog <3. Soon enough, we'll both we wasting our work days again, chatting away :)
